Friday 11 June 2021

Fresh And Smooth Production

This is my poster to advertise for the fresh and smooth play.All of the information is below this text
We have been working practising it but it is coming together
Hope you liked it 
 Blog you later 


  1. Talofa lava Angus, as you know my name is Freya and well I was put with you so I am here talking to you.... ok... done...

    1. Maybe you can write more next time.
      Blog you later

  2. Hello Angus my name is Kezia and I am in room 6,
    I love this post because your dance is amazing.
    I think everyone is going to love your dance.
    Do you like your dance?
    blog you later,

    1. My rating for the dance is a medium.
      Blog you later

  3. Kia ora Angus, what a great poster you have made. I like how you gave all the information the audience needed and also added fun and interesting details, like who was in the lead roles and that classes had been working hard practicing. I think it showed in the final performances don't you? bye, Megan

  4. Bonjur Angus Im Tia from Room 24 and I really liked your costume its my favorite color and the hat and the sun-glass looks good on you. My rating for your dance will be...7/10. Here is my question what class dance did you like the most yours or a different class. Blog you later my dude.

  5. hi Angus I like your picture of your class peforming on stage I made one and post it on my blog! I like how it said no ticket no entry! because its true they won't let you in! how long did it take you? blog you later🙃✌️


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