Friday 1 May 2020

Western Springs

Yesterday me and my family went to Western Springs. We walked around the pond there and when we fed the geese, swans and pukekos and also baby pukekos they were begging for more food. They kept on chasing us until we just ran and then they stopped. We also saw the elephants and they were way bigger than when I last saw them. They looked about 1000 kgs!


  1. Hi Angus. Thank you for sharing how your family exercises in your bubble. I also enjoy walking around the local park for my 'outside time' but it doesn't have any cute animals to look at. Sometimes I see a few dogs or a bird flying past. Western Springs sounds far more interesting to walk around. Where else do you go on your walks? Teacher Tip: Western Springs is a place name so needed capital letters. I used the pencil and edited your post to change this for you. Remember you can always add to or edit your posts after your publish.

  2. Hi Angus, great photos from your visit to Western Springs. How did you feel when the swans were chasing you? (Sometimes I find that a bit scary!)

  3. Hi Angus, I too have been for a walk around Western Springs. I loved seeing the signets, although I do find the adult swans a little scary at times. Did you see the elephants over at the zoo? What were they doing when you saw them?


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